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12 Steps To Build Up Your Identity on Linkedin

As the professional networking platform of choice for many industry professionals, LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for establishing and building up your brand. Having a polished profile can help you stand out from the pack, attract potential employers and partners, and extend your reach beyond what is achievable without the platform. Here are 12 steps to help you create a great identity on LinkedIn that will make people take notice.

1. Create a Profile

Creating a profile on this website will help you showcase your skills and experience in one organized place and make it easier for recruiters or potential employers to find you. First, begin by setting up an account through their website or app. You’ll need to include personal information like name, work experience, education level, etc.

2. Craft Your Story

Your profile is an important part of your brand and should be treated with the same attention and care as other aspects of your career. Taking the time to craft a story that accurately reflects who you are, what you have accomplished, and where you’re headed can be immensely beneficial in terms of career growth. Focus on creating a headline that succinctly describes who you are and what drives you professionally.

3. Add Your Skills

Adding your skills on LinkedIn can help you stand out from other candidates and expand your visibility in the job market. Adding your skills doesn’t have to be time-consuming or difficult: it’s easy to create a profile and list skills that you already have. Your profile should include an up-to-date resume, a professional headshot, links to any publications or projects, as well as endorsements from colleagues or employers who can vouch for your abilities. Additionally, take advantage of any certifications or industry badges you may have earned throughout your career.

4. Network with Connections

Networking with connections on LinkedIn is an essential part of any successful career. It can help you build relationships, expand your network and find new opportunities. Add your other social media accounts. Use keywords related to your industry when searching for professionals in the same field as yourself – this will increase the chance that their profiles show up in search results.

5. Post Content Regularly

Posting content regularly on LinkedIn is an important part of growing a presence and a successful professional career. It not only helps to promote your brand, but it also keeps you top of mind with potential clients and employers. Identify the types of content that will be most relevant to your followers. This could include industry news, articles about trends in your field, stories about how you help customers, or even opinion pieces related to current events or hot topics in the workplace.

6. Join Groups & Communities

Joining groups and communities on LinkedIn is a great way to expand your professional network, learn new skills, find job opportunities and make connections. Groups and communities are the ideal places for professionals from all industries and backgrounds to share content knowledge, ask questions, stay informed about industry trends, connect with peers across the globe, and collaborate on projects.

7. Optimize Your Profile

Having an up-to-date and professional LinkedIn profile can open up a world of opportunities for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and professionals. Here are some easy tips to get the most out of your page. Start by making sure your profile is complete, with all information about your background and experience included. Include any awards or achievements that you have received, as well as any special skills or abilities that you possess. When writing descriptions under each of your past experiences or positions held, write comprehensive explanations of what you did in those roles with measurable results whenever possible.

8. Engage with Other’s Posts

Engaging with others’ posts on LinkedIn is an excellent way to build relationships, grow your network, and increase engagement with your content. When you interact with the posts of others, it shows that you are interested in their ideas and opinions. It also helps to foster a sense of community within your personal or professional networks.

9. Promote Yourself Strategically

LinkedIn allows users to showcase their skills and experience in the most efficient way possible. Creating a comprehensive profile with up-to-date information will help you stand out from the crowd. Additionally, joining relevant groups or communities can help build connections with like-minded professionals in your industry. Asking for recommendations from colleagues or former employers will also help boost your credibility on the platform.

10. Get Endorsements & Recommendations

One of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field is by getting endorsements and recommendations on LinkedIn. With these tools, you can demonstrate your skillset and let potential employers know why you’re the ideal candidate for any position. Start by connecting with people who have worked with you or are familiar with your expertise. Ask them if they’d be willing to endorse or recommend you based on their experience working together.

11. Use Insights to Track Performance

When it comes to tracking performance on LinkedIn, insights are essential. Insights provide valuable data that can be used to measure the success of your profile, posts, and sponsored content. Understanding how your content is performing will help you make informed decisions about how to optimize your strategy moving forward. LinkedIn insights provide an easy way for you to track progress over time and compare different types of content performance against each other.

12. Leverage Relevant Technology

Utilize tools like LinkedIn Assistant, which helps you optimize and personalize all aspects of your profile including summary statements and job descriptions. Other features like Profile Boosters can be used to gain more visibility in search results so that prospective employers or customers can find you easily. Additionally, make sure to include keywords in headlines and descriptions as this will help target specific audiences who are searching for those terms.


Having a strong identity on LinkedIn is an invaluable asset to anyone who is looking to build their professional network. It requires taking the time to create meaningful content, engaging with your connections, and staying active on the platform. By following these twelve steps to a better Linkedin profile, you can create a professional representation of yourself that will help you stand out from the crowd. 


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