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Everything You Should Know About Keyword Match Types

Everything You Should Know About Keyword Match Types

Keyword match type types from Google will ensure your money invested for the Google Ad advertisements is appropriately spent. This will ensure that you don’t spend money bringing in unqualified visitors who are not likely to transact business with you.

Keyword Match Types

When you are creating a text-based ad for the PPC advertising campaign, it is possible to have the option to choose the broad word match or an exact match as your Keyword Match type. Every match type you can choose from within your Google Ads account has advantages and drawbacks.

There are four distinct keyword match types available that you can use in Google Ads: broad match, phrase match, broad match, exact match as well as a negative match. Below is the syntax of each type of match, the query your ads will appear on for each, and the keywords that will show your advertisements.

Broad Match

Broad keyword matches happen when your ads are displayed on search results pages for searches related to your keywords’ significance. Still, they do not necessarily include the exact words. This is the default option of Google Ads and works best when combined with intelligent bidding. The format is to write down the keyword.

The broad match can help reach a wide public, but your users are not defined because the terms they search for are linked to the keyword. However, to ensure that you get traffic related to your keyword, Google will also consider the user’s activities when searching and the content on your landing page, and other keywords within your advertising group.

Phrase Match

A phrase match displays your advertisements in search results that have a similar meaning to your keyword or other specific versions that match your keywords. Words can be used on either side of the keyword but not between. To do this is to add quotation marks around your keyword, such as “keyword.”

Utilizing phrase matches can put your advertisements in front of an enlightened audience; however, they only show up when searches include the keywords the ad’s purpose is; therefore, the audience is more targeted. It is important to note that Modified Broad Match was canceled in 2021, and its terms were added to the phrase match requirements.

Exact Match

An exact match is a variant of a broad game. This means that your ads will only be displayed when you search for the precise meaning or intention that you have in mind for your keywords.

This could be singular or plural and misspellings, abbreviations, and accents. This format will have more targeted visitors visiting your website, but you’ll lose some reach. It is best to put your keyword inside square brackets.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Negative Keyword Matches

Negative keywords can block your advertisements from specific searches to ensure that you concentrate on attracting the correct users. Your ads will appear for relevant keywords but not the exact word you’ve created.

There are three types of negative keywords categorized broad negative match or phrase match, or precise negative match. We’ll go over them in the following section.

Negative Broad Match

A broad negative match can be a negative default keyword. The ads you show won’t be displayed when the query includes all the keywords you’ve chosen, regardless of the order.

Google utilizes the term “running shoes” as an example and states that your ads will appear in search results that search for running and tennis shoes in blue but not for blue shoes for running, blue running shoes running, or running shoes.

Negative Phrase Match

Keywords with negative phrase match will not show your ads in queries with the exact keywords you’ve set in the same order. If the question has different words, your ads will not display if the sequence matches your specified keyword. The format is to write your keywords inside quotes.

If your search term includes “running shoes”, your ad will be displayed in search results of blue running shoes, tennis shoes and running shoes but not blue running shoes.

Negative Exact Match

An exact negative match excludes your advertisements from search results that contain your specific keywords in exactly the sequence you specify but without additional words. This is the syntax to put your keyword within brackets.

What Effect Do Match Types Have on Your Search Results

Match types affect the performance of your account: they’re the controls you employ to decide precisely what keywords you’re bidding on. If you’re deciding which match types to choose for each search term. There are some essential elements that are important to take into consideration.

Performance up to Date

What a particular keyword or related keywords performs can give you insight into the type of match that can yield the highest return from your investments.

Competitors -How competitors market themselves on specific terms and how they structure their accounts, and how their accounts performed in the past will affect the results you can expect from particular match types.

Bids’ cost per click and the cost of conversion are significantly affected by bids. Most advertisers use different methods to manipulate bids and often make bids more or less according to the match type, which can substantially influence the most suitable match.

Ad Text and Account Structure

Most advertisers use the “money” phrase and then run it across broad phrases and exact match types, maybe even separating the match types and making specific advertisements for each. How an advertiser organizes, the account may influence results for various match types.

Selecting the best match types is essential since it helps you connect with your audience without wasting money on clicks that don’t matter.

Matching Exactly or Partially Is the Best for Organic Results

This level of fine-tuned control over the way your content appears in AdWords isn’t available to SEOs who target organic results in search. Rankings for organic search results are determined exclusively by Google’s algorithm and ever-growing comprehension of the language and intent.

If you’re interested in learning how exact match and partial match works in the wild, You can make Google provide exact match results on organic search by using the quotation marks in the search engine.


Utilizing the correct keyword match type will ensure that the amount you pay for Google Ad campaigns helps you get the right kind of traffic. This increases your chances of drawing a new client in, driving sales, and boosting investment return.

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