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Top Five Automated Software Testing Tools

Top Five Automated Software Testing Tools

Testing is an important part of the process of any software creation. A software development team works hard to create functional software, but that software may fail without a strong testing phase. Software testing can be manual and automated, both with benefits and downsides.

Manual and Automated Software Testing

Manual testing relies on test cases written and executed by a human. Therefore, it is time-consuming and can result in human error. On the other hand, automated testing works with the support of specific scripts and tools.

However, both ways are widely used and have some advantages over the other method. Therefore, the execution is faster. Also, it is more reliable and practical if users need to repeat test cases many times.

Many automated testing tools have been developed that enable users to create testing cases faster and more accurately, detect a bug earlier, and receive detailed reports about the tests. This article presents the top 5 automated software testing tools.

1. Selenium

Selenium is one of the best automated testing tools in the market. Due to its popularity has a wide and strong network where users can find solutions for different issues. It lets any user create automation tests, but it requires strong programming skills for complex scripts. Selenium has several components from which users select the best for their needs. It is used for mobile and web-based applications.

Selenium creates complex scripts for long lists of platforms and programming languages. It works on different platforms and different browsers. Also, it includes addons for browsers and integrations with different IDEs and tools, such as Jenkins, Azure DevOps, and more. Selenium is a free, open-source tool without paid options.

2. Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is another popular all-in-one test automation software that generates automated tests for all platforms, device types, and browsers. It works fast and easily regardless of the project complexity. Also, its simple IDE guarantees a well-suited and adjusted environment for every user. It offers script extensions for expert coders and a codeless test creation for beginners.

Katalon Studio has built-in object spying, object refactoring, and context-sensitive suggestions. Also, its advanced debugger isolates the root causes with all its details. Another strong ability is reusable test artifacts for all teams and projects, which speeds up object refactoring.

Furthermore, Katalon is a flexible test listener controlling test execution workflows. It prevents test failures and does test scheduling and parallel execution. It supports many data sources and databases. Also, it integrates with many important tools such as Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Jira, and more. Katalon offers free plans for small teams and different pricing plans and features for businesses following their needs.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber is an automation testing tool well-suited for everyone regardless of their coding skills. It supports behavior-driven development (BDD) and supports many platforms and programming languages. Cucumber is used for web and mobile applications. It is very simple to work with and does not require coding knowledge.

Its test codes are written in the Gherkin language and can be executed on many other platforms and frameworks. Cucumber integrates with Jira, Slack, and more popular tools.

Cucumber mainly focuses on end-user experience. Its BDD method lets create and simulate different critical test scenarios to achieve better results. Cucumber has a huge user base and is free of charge.

4. Appium

Appium is another free automated testing tool for web, mobile and hybrid applications. Appium lets users create test cases using different programming languages, and it integrates with many platforms and tools such as Jira, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, and more. Also, it works on many browsers and both major mobile operating systems, Android and iOS.

Appium is used to automate large tests, convert manual test cases, simulate scenarios, and run tests. Its user interface is simple and easily accessible for any user. Appium is an open-source project, completely free and available on the GitHub platform.

5. Telerik Test Studio

Telerik Test Studio (TTS) is a tool that ensures perfectly working test automation. It maximizes test coverage with an optimal application quality. TTS is designed and accessible for everyone, regardless of coding knowledge level, and helps get outstanding results. It is used for different testing types, including functional, load, and API. Every package has a different set of features.

TTS creates, runs, and maintains automated functional tests for the application. It eliminates possible regressions whenever checking the code. Furthermore, it shows immediate automation results and detailed reports. Also, it gives details about failed test steps and offers suggestions for debugging.

Next, it leads users through the testing with simple steps covering test scenarios that require API calls. These tests are used for testing loading time. It uses various dynamic values for simulating different scenarios and environments and traffic from various devices.

TTS has a straightforward interface that requires no coding knowledge. It offers a CI/CD integration and is available on different systems, platforms, and devices. In addition, it creates reports about performance and app stability. The trial version lasts for 30 days, enough to see if it covers your needs.

Final Thoughts

Automated testing does software testing faster and more accurately. Automated testing tools offer many features that help users create, simulate and run different test cases repetitively, detecting bugs and errors.

This article shows a list of the top five automated software testing tools. Before selecting your pick, you should go through their reviews to see which is the best suited for your needs and according to your budget and requirements.

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