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Why You Shouldn’t Leave Email Marketing Out of Your Campaigns

Why You Shouldn’t Leave Email Marketing Out of Your Campaigns

If you are creating some new marketing campaigns, it’s critical you don’t forget email marketing.

Here, we have listed some reasons why you shouldn’t leave email marketing out of your strategy.

You Can Reach Your Audience Wherever They Are

Let’s face it, we all have smartphones and tablets with our emails on tap, and people are rarely without them. This means that you can reach your client base wherever they happen to be. Email applications are on everyone’s home screens – and as such, always in our eye-line.

Of course, push notifications are also available on phones too, which means that they will get notified when an email comes through in real-time when it happens.

You Are Keeping Your Clients in The Loop

Sending out regular marketing emails is a great way to keep your clients in the loop with what’s going on in your company.

You can let them know more about your company culture, what you have been doing to upskill or keep updated with industry trends or let them know about new offers or product launches.

When they hear from you on a regular basis, it means you will always be on their mind. However, be careful not to spam them with too much content. Be careful for your email campaigns to be compliant with terms of use and privacy which can be considered as spam.

There are Useful Analytics Available

The great thing about sending out email campaigns is that you have analytics readily available to give you statistics on your email send. You will be able to see how many people opened your email up, how many clicks any links within the email you got, and the demographic of the people that opened it.

This will help you create content and marketing campaigns more valuable to the user moving forward. It will let you know which content you need to improve and which content is the most popular.

You Can Create Lists

The best marketing campaigns are tailored to the user. It could be that you have clients that are interested in different products or services, so by creating lists, it means that you can target content to fit in with that specific interest group. This sill typically results in higher open rates and click-through rates.

It Gives you a Data Capture Tool

You need a reason for a user to release their data to you. They will only actively provide you with their email address if they already know you or if you are going to provide them with valuable content. It’s always a good idea to have a section somewhere on your site (usually some form of a pop-up) that will allow the user to sign-up and engage with your business.

If you are setting up some marketing campaigns in the near future – then make sure that you don’t forget about emails as part of that strategy.

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