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Branding – What do you need to know to do it right

Branding - How to do it right

We live in a world where branding is key to success. Branding is as important as the service or product you are offering. Your product or service may be of the highest quality, but if your branding is not good, you will have to work a lot harder to gain your customers’ trust. But what is the definition of branding? What do we mean when we say branding?

This definition is a textbook definition, but we are interested in real-time branding. We want to see the practical use of branding, especially on the internet.

There are some crucial questions we need to ask about branding: How does it work? And, what do we need to know to do it right?  These are two basic questions this article will try to answer.

Be Sure That You Know Your Brand!

Before any branding happens, you have to have something to offer on the market. The main focus of branding is showing how good your product or service is. If you want your business to excel, you have to make sure that your product is indeed a good quality one. Whatever you do or try to sell, be sure you know everything about that product, service, or app.

Of course, you know that your product is useful and you are aware of all of its benefits, but everything has its bad sides, and you need to work on those bad things to perfect your product. The best way to have a branded product is a quality product. That is not always easy, but that is the focus of your brand, quality is the key. If you already have a good product, service, app, website, etc. then you should highlight the good sides of your product. Show the enthusiasm you have through your branding.

Another important thing is that you have to be realistic, branding is not a race, it is a marathon, where you have to start strong, and only continue to grow, but on strong foundations! Companies that already have established their market position continue to invest in their branding and marketing because they are aware of the importance it has on their business in general.

Know who your target audience is!

The next step in the branding process is to get to know your target audience. That is an aspect of a business, where you want to invest your time and your money. After you have developed your product, service, app, etc. you have to have a clear vision of who your target audience is. Your target audience dictates the directions in which your banding will develop. If your target audience is teenagers, you do not want to offer them products that are not appropriate for their age and their interests.

On the other hand, if you are aiming for different age groups, you should also be aware of their age and mental state. When you have a service or a product, and your target group is teenagers or adolescents, you want the branding to be fun, innovative, exciting, and easy to use. Unfortunately, adolescents are a group that can be easily influenced and encouraged to buy or use something. Social media and different companies are aware of that fact, and they have their means of marketing their product. If your brand is posted by a single well-known celebrity, you have a high chance of success among your target group.

Fortunately, the adolescent is not the only group of customers in that wilderness called the market. If your target groups are students or business people, you want your branding to be cool, sleek, and sophisticated. Above all, you want your product, service, app, website, etc. to be easy to use, and the branding should be straight forward. The design should be appropriate for any formal occasion, because your client needs to make a good impression, and show that they are professional in every aspect.

There is always something in between; there are groups that will make you think outside of the box when it comes to branding and marketing in general. Those are the best groups because they push you forward because they always want more and better. Their demands are always high. If your target audience is not demanding, make them ask for more and better by constantly working on your brand and improving it. That will increase the number of your customers, and the word will spread, and you want that.

The age is not the only factor that has to be taken into consideration. Besides age, it is important to know the gender of your target audience, their location, income, and educational level.  All of these factors are very important for your branding process. If you want to dive deeper into the analysis of your target audience, think about what motivates them. Analyze their goals, what is that they aspire to, either in professional or in personal aspects of their life.

After broad analysis, it is good to narrow down your target group based on those variables that suit your business the most. If your target groups of people are, for example, upper-class young females who are influenced by social media, then your path becomes clearer. And finally, be aware that you will never be able to please everybody, and that is ok. Sometimes pleasing everybody means losing your quality and identity, and that is the last thing you want.

Make a plan!

After you got familiar with your product and you know who your target audience is, then it is planning time. Make sure you have a detailed financial and operative plan. The first step is detailed financial planning, and then you have to think about your strategy. What do you want your branding to look like, where do you want to advertise your product, think of the ways to get to your target audience. After planning all of those steps, it is time to sit down and make your design.

Your logo and design of your product or service is the most important aspect of branding. Depending on your target audience and marketing place, you will build your design and logo. Make sure that your design makes sense; that is catchy and preferably withy. The most important part of designing is to be original. If your design and logo are original, over time, they will become recognizable, and people will connect with your logo and design. One considers is that keeping it simple is the road to success. Whether you want your logo to be complicated or simple is up to you, but you want to make sure that it is original. Don’t be afraid to hire professionals for the job, tell them your vision, and let them do the job.

Develop A Product Roadmap

When it comes to planning projects, developing a product roadmap is vital in attaining success. A product roadmap refers to a strategic plan that displays workflow and milestones. It is a high-level plan that clarifies the implementation or product strategy through its strengths. The scope includes engineering, hiring, marketing, and so on, enabling you to establish and track the right order of things to be worked on.

Here are the benefits of developing a product roadmap:

Cross-functional Planning: Developing a product roadmap involves cross-functional planning, which incorporates every supplementary area needed to build a good product. For a long-term pipeline perspective, the objectives of design and other key areas must be recognized in the product roadmap.

Be straightforward!

Honesty is the most important human virtue that becomes less appreciated every single day. Unfortunately, people forget that honesty is the best way to communicate and do business. If your present and brand your business as something that later on proves to be a lie, you will never be successful.

As the days go by, you will lose more and more customers, and we all know what that means. But if you play your cards right and if you are honest with your customers, they will appreciate those things you offer them.

Branding works in the same way, if you brand your product as something with extreme quality, make sure you are telling the truth.

If that is not the case, people will notice that then the road back up is a pretty hard one.

Your final goal is to find your place in the market. You want your brand to be recognizable to a large number of people.


Branding is not a single action. Branding is a process that requires a lot of time, analysis, and imagination. You have to be able to walk in other peoples’ shoes to understand them and offer them what they need and want when they need it. You have to be able to keep up with all the changes that happen around you. The worst thing that can happen is that you are run over by time. You want to keep track of all of the changes.

Branding takes a lot of time. The most famous brands have been around for hundreds of years, but that doesn’t mean that their marked place is secured forever. They constantly work to improve and keep track. Branding takes a lot of effort, time, and planning. It is a job that is never done, as long as you want to do your business, you have to make sure that you are taking care of your branding. Branding is not just the logo and a commercial, branding is your reputation, portfolio. It’s an image that the world has about you. It is in your best interest to keep that image positive at all times.

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