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How to Improve Your Ranking With an SEO Checklist

How To Improve Your Ranking With An SEO Checklist

On this blog, we have already talked about SEO and how you can improve it. But for those of you, who are new to this game, we will quickly go over it again. So let’s get started.

SEO is short for search engine optimization, which is basically a practice of improving your website to gain more and more visitors, which in turn, means more profit.

The biggest mistakes people make when it comes to SEO are: focusing on only one keyword thinking it will be enough to rank high, using keywords that do not bring in a lot of traffic, using keywords that have nothing to do with your niche, and also choosing keywords that have too much competition.

By avoiding these mistakes your SEO will slightly improve, but combining that with the use of an SEO checklist is a winning combination even if you are running an SEO business for newbies.

The SEO Checklist by SEO Buddy

An SEO checklist is a guide that can help you optimize your website, and with that, bring in more traffic. With an SEO checklist, you will be able to climb to the top of the search engine results.

The SEO Checklist by SEO Buddy is not just a checklist, it is a step-by-step guide to every important SEO action. It is much more eye-pleasing and easier to use than an eBook. With it, you do not have to waste your time on any kind of unnecessary stuff, and you can focus your work only on the SEO itself, fixing any problems and optimizing your site in general.

The creators of this checklist are proud to say that it is so easy to use that even your grandma can do it. So even if you are a complete beginner when it comes to SEO, this checklist can give you a bigger picture of what has to be done, what you have already done, and what you have not done.

Another great thing about this checklist is its format. Let’s be honest, how many times have you bought a book in hopes of perfecting the skill the book is about. Or, how many times have you read an article, which has a goal of helping you with something, but you end up never reading the whole thing and also not remembering the stuff you read. That can not happen with the checklist.

With it, it is really easy to keep everything in check and not to forget something.

So as you move on further down the checklist you will continue optimizing your website and bringing in more and more organic traffic. Also, you will be given detailed step-by-step documents explaining how to complete certain actions.

All in all, it would be a shame if you didn’t read this article till the end in order to discover the SEO Checklist!

What it contains 

The SEO Checklist is made up of a few components, the first being The Foundation. It is only logical to start your work with some basic stuff like tracking your keywords, tracking important metrics in the Google Search Console, setting up Google Analytics, and so on.

The second component is User Experience. This is one of the most important components. You want to make sure your website is entertaining, engaging, and will make your users want to come back to it. That is why the SEO Checklist will help you check if your website loads quickly and if it’s user-friendly. It will also allow you to see your website as others see it, and make sure you have short and easy to use URLs.

The third component is called Content. Let’s be honest if your content is boring you will not have a lot of traffic. Thankfully, the SEO Checklist will help you do a quick and effective keyword search, identify and fix content issues that might be damaging your ranking, and will also teach you how to use Google to get SEO-boosting content ideas.

Component number four is Performance. This represents the speed of your website. You want to make sure that the load time of your website is brief because people will not wait for long. Using the checklist, you will learn to optimize images as well as videos and boost website speed. It will also help with your choice when it comes to web hosting, making sure you get the most out of it.

Then we have On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. They are related to how easy it is to use your website as well as making sure people know about your website. To improve them you will be making sure that your images are understood by Google, positioning keywords so that Google notices and ranks high the content you are creating, building effective links, and learning how to use social media to climb up in Google search results.

The seventh component is Technical SEO which basically entails guiding Google so it looks at your most valuable pages, structuring your site, submitting sitemaps to Google, and so on.

The last but not least component is Local SEO. It helps you optimize your local listings, and allows you to maximize your exposure to prospects that live locally as well as garner customer reviews in hopes of boosting SEO.

The SEO Checklist Bundle

The SEO Checklist bundle includes an SEO checklist in the form of a Google sheet (made up of 102 points) as well as a web app.

It also includes 44 step-by-step process docs (detailed standard operating procedures), which have over 200 pages combined, a 50-point content distribution checklist, SEO Checklist eBook, and also a 52-weeks content strategy.

This is a great deal and you are able to do so much with it, without focusing on irrelevant stuff and wasting your precious time. It is complete and grasps every single aspect when it comes to SEO. Its price is $97, which is really affordable considering what you get in return.

Creating SEO friendly URLs

Another thing I would like to mention is SEO friendly URLs. You have probably heard of URLs millions of times, right? But what are they exactly?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, or in other words, it is the location of a certain web page. A good URL should provide basic information like what part of the site the visitor is on and also something about the page itself. However, that is only from the user’s point of view, and URLs do much more.

URLs help search engines understand the site’s organization and content. And believe it or not, your URLs impact your SEO, and we will try to explain how.

A few things you should keep in check when it comes to a URL are its length, keywords, string, and path. Making sure your URLs have a positive impact on your SEO means making sure that you have organized URLs, which in turn, make it easier to index your website. And using clear URLs also improves click-through rates.

Having a website that is easy to navigate through and not leaving your visitors confused is always a positive thing. That is why you want to make sure that you do not end up with a cluttered website while trying to fit as much information as possible. That will result in a bad user experience, and eventually in customer loss.

So, to answer the question “What are SEO friendly URLs”, they are URLs that shortly describe the page they lead to.

You can optimize a URL for SEO by choosing your TLD (top-level domain) carefully, securing your URL, using more keywords in your URL without spamming, and also saying as much as possible about the site in the URL without making it too long.

You should also avoid including things like “a”, “the”, “an”, “but”, and so on. The main reason for this is to save as much space as possible.

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that not all characters are safe to use in your URLs. So do some research, because there are many charts that can show you which characters are safe and need no encoding, and which are unsafe and might cause you problems with the server, resulting in a bad user experience and also poor SEO.

Try avoiding underscores and use hyphens instead. Also, try not to use any uppercase letters. The reason for that is, people rarely write in uppercase and do not see the difference, but computers do, and the difference is big. So if your URL differs by one capital letter from the URL a customer has typed in, it will lead them to a 404 page.

The use of URLs might seem simple, but in reality, there are a lot of things to keep in mind if you want them to serve their purpose. Having said that, we end the story of SEO friendly URLs and their importance.


Our goal with this article was to show you that, with the help of the SEO Checklist, you can achieve really big accomplishments without so much work, with just a little patience, and a small fee. So there is really no reason not to give it a try and see how much your SEO and traffic will improve.

Once more, we must say that investing in the SEO Checklist or similar products always brings a profit. And paying a small amount of money for something that can be of much use is a big win.

As a reward for sticking until the end of this article, we would like to offer you a coupon code (WEBFACTORY) for 25% off of your purchase. So go grab your ticket to a successful website ASAP!

“👉 Get access to The SEO Checklist by SEO Buddy now

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