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Top 5 Social Media Automation Tools

Top 5 Social Media Automation Tools

If you are a millennial just like me, then you for sure remember the start of social media. Luckily, we came a long way since then, and now we have a lot more platforms than before, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, just to name a few.

As these platforms become bigger and bigger, they take up a lot of time to manage. And you probably want to be on top of the game on each, but it just takes a lot of work. We know it, you know it.

It is not uncommon to struggle with managing profiles on all these websites and creating content that will suit every one of them. But, social media automation tools can help you out with that.

With these little helpers, you can be the Thor of social media marketing. And we know that having a platform where all your messages, from different apps, are stored in one inbox sounds like a joke, but it is not.

Just imagine how many hours of work you would cut if you only had someone to do the overview of your engagements on your profiles, or tell you what is working best. That is possible, and with it, you will be able to fly your business to the next level!

There are a lot of options available, but to ease your decision, and help you pick the best one for your needs, here are the top 5 social media automation tools.

1. AgoraPulse

AgoraPulse will keep you alive at all times, *wink*! Jokes aside, this is a great, all-in-one, social media management tool. And when you get this one, you won’t need any more tools. It is a keeper.

All your messages from different platforms will be stored in one inbox. (Less space to mess up!) But, not just messages, comments, mentions, EVERYTHING. Amazing, right?

You will have it all in one space, for all your profiles. And you won’t have to check if some of the messages are spam. Instead, you can use their automated inbox assistant for that so you can focus on the most important messages.

Labeling, assigning, and bookmarking your inbox so that your teammates can easily manage the messages, is also part of the package. It is simple, effective, clean, and professional at all times.

This magic tool also gives you a report built based on your social media content strategy. That report relies on looking when you reached your peak and with what content, and which hashtags are a magnet for engagement.

On top of that, it can also rank your most passionate followers, depending on their engagement with your accounts on different platforms.

So essentially, with this tool, you are always ahead of your competition. With insight on your stats, and seeing where you can improve, it gives a great detail-oriented report, which will help you to be the greatest in this field.


Another exceptional tool that will help you manage your social media presence is IFTTT. The name itself can give you an idea of what this tool is for –  if this then that.

It is pretty simple – if something happens, it will trigger a certain action. But let’s explain this in a non-techy way. If some action is performed on one platform, an action takes place on another.

You now probably wonder what is this good for? Well, here are some examples:

And this is just scratching the surface since it has a lot of variations that will be useful for your business. And also, if you want, you can create your own trigger-action combos.

With this handsome devil, you won’t need to bother about your Instagram pictures being all in the same photo album on Facebook. Link an album to a specific hashtag, and when you post a picture with it, it will add it to the album you connected to that hashtag.

Just imagine how much time you will save with this tool, and there are a lot more options to choose from than the ones we mentioned. So you won’t even need to open a second app, just do it all from one social media platform, and you are good to go.

One more thing you may be interested in is that, with this tool, you can keep an eye on your competition, or a specific topic that is close to your business. Meaning you will always be alerted about the hot topics you chose.

3. Buffer

If you are looking for a super easy platform to use for all of your profiles, this is it. Buffer offers you the possibility to set up your social media posting schedule which you can customize for every day of the week.

With this tool, you will be ahead of the game in the social media business. You can also collaborate with your team on designs and posts, and save them as drafts. It is a super cool way of collaborating, unlike sending emails, back and forth.

If you like eye-pleasing captions without a lot of hashtags, Buffer will help you with that as well. You can create the first comment with all the tags you want, and it will then be posted automatically right after the picture is uploaded.

Also, you can create, save, and organize the hashtags however you want. So Buffer is the real deal!

The major thing about this platform is that you can manage your stories as well. You can visually plan them and get notified when to upload them.

4. SEMrush

This is another exceptional tool that provides everything you need for managing your social media. SEMrush‘s biggest plus is its SEO and PPC toolkits. Nevertheless, they still offer the same features as other tools such as scheduling your posts weeks in advance, tracking, promotions, etc.

If you ever wondered how your posts are doing, you can easily check that, and they will also automatically show you your most engaging post. It is like having a real assistant.

Their social media tracker is a big game-changer. It runs in the background and checks all your vital engagements and puts them into one table. This is great for an overview of your activities, and to see where you can do better.

Apart from these features, they also track your competitor’s social media, so you can analyze their special offers, top-performing posts, and a lot more. It is like having an insight into their tactics and using it to your benefit.

You can also get a combined data graph of your competitors on 3 levels, activity, engagement, and audience. This will drastically help you with your activities and will take the extra work off your hands.

Lastly, it’s good to mention that you can monitor words, accounts, and hashtags, and see when your brand is mentioned on Twitter and Instagram.

5. Missinglettr

We have reached the number 5 spot, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t be blown away by this tool. This is hands down, the best tool for turning your blog posts into campaigns. Missinglettr will monitor your blog 24/7, and as soon as it detects a new blog post, it will create a campaign out of it.

How does it work?

It uses Al and machine learning to scan your posts and looks for quotes and content that would work best for your social media. You don’t even have to put the hashtags, they put the most relevant ones for you. Don’t worry, it also puts a link at the end, that leads to your blog post. But of course, you have the last word. You will get an email to overview the post.

After you have approved the post, it will create a campaign for the next 12 months on chosen days, for platforms you selected.

And if you are wondering what about guest posts, don’t worry, you can manually add your link, and it will create a campaign around it.


If you are looking for an assistant that will help you with managing your social media profiles, you won’t regret investing in one of these top 5 picks.

If none of them work for you, you can always read up on some Fan Boost information.

Whichever tool you choose it will for sure help you out with your online presence. And even if it seems hard at the beginning, you just need to get into the right groove and you will be set for a bright future.

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