Top Five Writing Tools for Students in 2023

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a school essay or even working on a book, using the right writing tools can help you improve your texts while saving a lot of time. Even if you’re looking for a free tool that can make it a bit easier for you, there is always a tool online that can help you. Here are five great writing tool options that you can use to up your writing game.

Hemingway editor

Hemingway editor

The Hemingway editor is usually one of the first results when you’re searching for writing tools. It’s a simple, yet powerful tool that helps make your texts more engaging and easier to read. The Hemingway editor highlights the parts of your sentences that are either hard to read or just too long. It works best with shorter texts as it becomes a bit more time-consuming to use with longer texts. Since this app doesn’t have a built-in grammar checker it’s best used together with some other app like Grammarly. There are two versions of this app, one is completely free and online, while the other costs $19.99 as a one-time purchase. The paid version allows you to use the Hemingway editor without an internet connection and also allows you to upload your texts online straight from the app. It also has some nice formatting options available for you to use. The best way to know if this app is for you is just to paste your text into the online editor and test it out.

Google docs

Google docs

Sometimes the most popular and basic option is the best. Google docs has all of the tools you need to write text. Formatting tools, a built-in spelling and grammar checker, and a word counter are just some of the tools available. And all of that is completely free. Another great thing about Google docs is that you can easily connect it to your phone, especially if it’s an Android phone, and share your data between your PC and phone. Everything is cloud-based so you can access your files anywhere with just a password and internet access.



Sometimes we’re not sure how to properly phrase a sentence, or maybe we just want to use another sentence we found online but don’t want to copy it word for word. That’s where Rephraser comes in. Rephraser does just as the name suggests, it rephrases your sentence in just a few clicks, making it have the same meaning but with different wording. It prevents plagiarism and improves text quality. Rephraser also includes a grammar checker. It’s very simple to use and it’s free, with some premium options that give you more features like removing the word limit on the sentences.



Scrivener is probably the best writing tool on the market for writing long texts, like books and such. It’s completely focused on giving you the best possible environment for focusing only on your writing. Scrivener simulates writing on pieces of paper where you can rearrange your texts in any order you want with just simple drag-and-drop. You can focus on writing out all of your ideas, then later arrange everything to the order you consider the best. If you’re planning on writing a book and need a reliable tool that will offer you everything you may need, look no further. Scrivener standard license costs $59.99, with a 30-day free trial available.



Most writing tools already have a built-in type assistant, but having another one on top of it can help out quite a bit. Grammarly is one of the most popular options when it comes to checking your texts for any grammar or spelling mistakes. It can be freely used together with other apps on your PC and phone. It’s free to use, but it comes with a paid premium version too. The premium version offers great features to improve your choice of words as well.

Final words

There are tools online for improving anything, including writing. It may seem like it doesn’t matter what tools you use for writing, but a good writing tool can make your writing experience just so much easier and more efficient.

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